Source code for kedro_onnx.utils

"""Utility functions for the onnx plugin."""
from functools import lru_cache

[docs]onnx_converters = { 'sklearn': 'skl2onnx', 'tensorflow': 'tf2onnx', 'keras': 'tf2onnx', 'coreml': 'coremltools', 'catboost': 'catboost', 'lightgbm': 'lightgbm', 'sparkml': 'pyspark', 'xgboost': 'xgboost', 'h2o': 'h2o', 'onnx': 'onnx', }
[docs]def check_installed(lib: str): """Check if a library is installed. Args: lib (str): Library name. Raises: ImportError: If the library is not installed. Example: >>> check_installed('foo') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... ImportError: foo is required to use this feature. Please install it with `pip install foo`. >>> check_installed('os') """ try: __import__(lib) except ImportError: raise ImportError(f"{lib} is required to use this feature.\n" f"Please install it with `pip install {lib}`.")